Premium Global Adjustments
Premium global adjustments includes applying custom presets and actions, as well as working with adjustments such as: White balance, Exposure, and Contrast. And additionally includes editing that requires some extra attention like: straightening images, minor cropping, HSL color adjustments, simple lens corrections, and applying sky gradients. Premium editing costs $0.42 an image. (Premium edits can be completed on any type of session, but there is a $20.00 minimum per project.) Premium editing can be ordered on a full session or only on those images that require it.
Photo Credits: (Once like a spark) photography
Photographers preset applied, and then slight tweaks to white balance and shadows to match with collection. Cropped to remove distracting elements.
Photo Credits: (once like a spark) photography
Photographers preset applied, and then specific tweaks to white balance and exposure to match with collection. Lens correction and straightening applied.
Photo Credits: (Once like a spark) Photography
Photographers preset applied, and then tweaks to white balance, exposure, and contrast to match with collection. Gradient applied to bring back color and detail in the sky.