Gold Standard Adjustments
Gold standard adjustments are for photographers who want their images fully retouched but have a set standard of edits they would like completed on each image, I'm able to price this lower than one off retouching jobs because it is usually completed on a full session such as a newborn or studio session. Gold standard adjustments can include but are not limited to, Air brushing techniques such as frequency separation, blemish removal, skin tone adjustments, eye enhancements, teeth whitening, removal of minor distracting elements, and minor slimming/ liquefying. Gold standard can be anywhere between $5.00-15.00 an image depending on difficulty and amount of work needed (gold standard edits can be done on any type of session, but there is a $20.00 minimum per project) Gold standard editing can be ordered on a full session or on select images as requested.
Photo Credits: Bellé Couture Portraits
Global adjustments to match photographers style including HSL color adjustments, skin softening, eye enhancements, hair fix and fly away removal, softened appearance veins on hand.
Photo Credits: Kat Forder Photography
Evening of skin tone, minor blemish removal, retouch out of bug bite under left eye.
Photo Credits: Sarah Mooney Photography
Photographers preset applied, and then tweaks to white balance, and exposure. Creative dodge and burn to add depth and interest.